Yes, we send technician for repairing any problems appear in the products after sale, no matter the cause of the problem, or the purchase date.

  • No repair or visit cost if any of the following:
  1. If the problem caused by manufacturing defect, and reported within 14 days.
  2. Problem caused by our team during installation.
  •  Pay the visit cost only conditions:
  1. The problem is not manufacturing defect, or the product wasn’t installed by our team.
  2. The problem doesn’t need any repair parts, only needs the technician involved.
  3. The visit cost is actually, the shipping cost in usual order delivery, depending on your location.
  • Pay visit and repair cost:
  1. The problem is not manufacturing defect, or the product wasn’t installed by our team.
  2. You need repair parts,  you’ll pay for it and for the visit.